Graffiti Removal Techniques - Part One

Technique can make all the difference when removing graffiti from a surface. Whether it be brick, wood, metal or plastic the end result can depend on how you approach it.

Below is a basic method for graffiti removal, should you have any questions or dealing with a specific surface feel free to email SoSafe.

SIMPLE METHOD POROUS SURFACES (Such as concrete, bricks, blocks):
1. Dry surface (most graffiti removal products work best on dry surfaces)
2. Scrub surface with a nylon hard bristle or wire brush, to break the seal.
3. Apply graffiti removing product, with sprayer or paint brush.
4. Wait a minimum of 3 minutes.
5. Scrub surface again with a nylon hard bristle or scourer. NOTE: different scrubing tools work better than others, try using various tools to find what works best on your surface.
6. Repeat steps 2 to 5, keep area wet with graffiti removal product, until all graffiti is loose.
7. Remove chemicals with a hose or high pressure water blaster (preferable), working slowly back facing
the wind at a 45ยบ angle, approx 20 cm away from the surface up to 3000 psi.
8. If shadow exist repeat process.
9. Coat surface with a semi sacrificial surface graffiti protection, to make it easier for future graffiti removal.

METHOD SENSITIVE SURFACES (Such as colour bond):
1. Dry surface (most graffiti removal products work best on dry surfaces)
2. Clean surface with a white rag..
3. Apply graffiti removing product, with a white rag.
4. Wait 30 seconds.
5. Rub surface with rag or with a soft scourer.
6. Repeat steps 2 to 5, keep area wet with graffiti removal product, until all graffiti is removed.
7. Remove chemical with a hose or bucket of water until graffiti chemical is removed from surface.
8. If shadow exist repeat process.

Always remember that there are many methods of graffiti removal and no one method to suit all surfaces. Contact a SoSafe Authorised Trainer for specific assistance on any surface.

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